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History Intent

                                 "To inspire children’s curiosity in their own and others’ heritage
                                      in order to better understand the society and wider world
                                                    in which they live and to inform the future."

The study of history inspires children’s curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world. It also helps children gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. History promotes understanding of others and the appreciation of diversity. It encourages children to explore their own and others’ heritage and informs the future.


In Key Stage 1/ EYFS children will develop an awareness of the past. They will learn about significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements. Children will also learn about significant historical events within the local area. They will also study changes within living memory as well as events beyond living memory that are nationally or globally significant such as the development of civilization and pre-history. Their learning will be placed within a chronological framework.

In Key Stage 2 children will continue to appreciate history in a chronological context. They will develop a secure understanding of British, local and world history. Children will consider connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms. They will also learn to understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of evidence and spend time looking at, and dealing with, different sources, being encourage to analyse other’s opinions and develop their own.

Whilst being taught discretely, children will also explore historical themes in other curricular areas such as art and literacy. It also provides great opportunities for independent research outside of school as part of the homework menu and for educational visits to deepen pupils’ appreciation of the world around them, in particular the rich and diverse heritage of our country.


In lessons:

Pupils may be assessed by the class teacher in a variety of ways;

  • During mini-plenaries; 
  • Listening to pupils during talk partner and small group work;
  • Live feedback during independent class work;
  • Responding to completed work using the school marking policy.

After lessons:

The subject leader monitors the effective delivery of the history curriculum by:

  • Conducting book looks;
  • Looking at medium and short term planning;
  • Looking at knowledge organisers;
  • Observing children in lessons;
  • Completing pupil perception interviews;
  • Analysing teacher assessments.