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Explore the other pages to see ways in which your child can be supported. 


To secure the understanding of number bonds and multiplication facts which underpin much of the maths curriculum, frequent practice is important. The one-minute White Rose App is a brilliant way to practise as it has a set time period (one minute) and the repetitive nature helps children to learn. It can be used from EYFS and understanding number up to Year Six to strengthen the rapid recall of multiplication facts. 

Please use one of the links below to download this.

Google Play: 1-minute White Rose App

Apple App Store: 1-minute White Rose App

Alternatively, there are many games online that children can use to support their maths on the website below. Speak to the class teacher to find out what specifically your child might benefit from extra practice on. 

As an additional practice to their timetables, the printable quiz is available and customisable to your child's area of need. 


Children will have a list of spellings to practice every week, and they will be tested on a Thursday morning. On the final Thursday of each half-term, children will be tested on spellings for the whole half-term.

These spellings will either follow a particular pattern which will be discussed in class, or they will come from the statutory spelling list for Years 3 and 4.