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Welcome to the Ravens page for Autumn One.

At the bottom of the page, you will find downloadable copies of all the knowledge organisers for Autumn One.

We all know some older children love to say "dunno", "can't remember" or "not much" when asked about their learning at the dinner table, so these knowledge organisers give a useful framework to parents and carers for those discussions at home as well as crucial support within lessons for the children.

It is fundamental that children continue to practise their spellings, multiplication facts and number bonds so that they are accurate with retrieval and they can do so within 5 seconds. In our maths lessons this half term, we secure our foundations of place value and explore the four operations: children should already have a strong understanding of these from previous year groups. Therefore, children will be exposed to open activities which could have multiple answers such as the one below and we will encourage a lot of discussion and thought around what is number.

Draw a number line to show the difference between 6,200,000 and 6,920,000

In our English lessons, we are exploring the picture book 'The Arrival.' It is a fantastic book which explores empathy and fantasy. We will use the book as inspiration to write narratives, diaries and reports. 

Please continue to encourage your child to read widely and to become word magpies. Obviously, great words can be found everywhere and reading is a huge part of developing vocabulary, but they can also be heard elsewhere: for example, many Disney songs have lots of fantastic words which can be used in their writing!

In Science, we are learning all about the human circulatory system; PE will develop our fitness and netball skills; RE explores how Muslims show commitment; Art examines Victorian architecture and water colours; we will examine some different maps through our geography lessons and have a broad understanding of WWI in our history lessons. Please look at the knowledge organisers below to get an even better idea of what we will be covering in the first part of Autumn Term.

Many thanks,


Knowledge Organisers

 We hope to exhibit some of the children's work on the page as we go along as well, so please come back to see how we are doing.