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Spring Two in Ravens

Welcome to Spring two and the time is always going so fast!! We will continue to prioritise the gaps we have identified in our half-termly assessments in preparation for SATs but Year Six is so much more than just those tests. This page will outline all the important learning that we will be undertaking this half-term as we continue to broaden our knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of our curriculum. 


The Blitz - Wikipedia First, in history, we are continuing from the last half-term when we were introduced to the rise of Hitler and the beginning of World War Two. This half-term we are exploring The Blitz, the importance of Bletchley Park and The Holocaust in more detail. We will also begin our first two weeks of English lessons exploring this period of history when writing a newspaper report on the events of Kristallnacht, 'The Night of the Broken Glass.' 


After completing the newspaper report in our first two weeks of English lesson, we move on to 'Grimm Tales for Young and Old' (as told by Phillip Pullman). We will delve deeper into these traditional tales - they are not always like the Disney versions we know and love: there is not always a happily ever after! As part of our work, we will identify common features of fairytales, including settings and characters, before exploring the symbolism and motifs that are common place in those stories we knew so long ago.

Have you ever considered the importance of numbers? Three and seven appear quite frequently!

They are also much less subtle than many novels, as characters are either wholly good or wholly bad! 



In our maths lessons, we will continue to complete arithmetic every week, focussing on all the skills and strategies we have built up over Key Stage Two whilst also having a closer look at the relationship between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Geography Category:South America at night seen from space - Wikimedia Commons

Travelling south, we will move on from the continent of North America and explore the diverse landscapes of South America, investigating the Andes mountain range and the Amazon rainforest.

We will learn which countries make up the continent; how the landscape of the Andes mountains is varied and how this supported life, including historic civilisations such as the Inca; and the reasons for deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and the important role that this plays for the locality and the world.

Wider curriculum 

In PE, we will be developing our skills and strength through Tag rugby with Mr McDonald and Yoga with Mrs Jones. 

In our religious education this half-term, we are exploring a huge question: Is Christianity still a strong religion 2,000 years later? We will be looking at the influence Christianity has had on the world and some of the values that are held dear and consider if they are still having an influence on the way that life is lived today.

In computing, we are creating web pages; our science lessons are looking at the theories of evolution and how these have evolved over time; our life skills lessons are informing us about mental health and what we can do to look after it and to consider some of the things which could affect it: negatively or positively.

Towards the end of the half-term, we will complete our DT unit for the term: mezze. This will involve some food preparation, so it will be blocked and taught over a few days to ensure we can create everything.