Welcome to the second half of the spring term in Swans.
This half-term in English we will be exploring the book 'Stanley’s stick' by John Hegley and Neal Layton, where children begin by making predictions about what different things a stick could do. Reading part of the text, they then predict what Stanley is going to do with his stick. After retelling the key scenes in the story, they plan, write and publish their own stories, based on the sequence of Stanley’s Stick and using their own object (Sarah’s Sock).
In maths, we will build upon our knowledge of place value to 20 and apply our addition and subtraction skills. We will focus on learning the number bonds to 20. We will learn place value up to 50 and investigate length/height and mass/volume in more detail.
Science focusses on 'Taking care of the Earth ', where we will be learning about deforestation and logging alongside types of pollution and natural/human-induced resources. We will be exploring the Kings, Queens and Leaders of the United Kingdom in History, including revisiting learning about King John I and the Magna Carta from EYFS. We will learn about the creation of Parliament and Oliver Cromwell's rule.
In DT, we will be learning all about mechanisms/structures by making junk model vehicles. We will be making axles and moving wheels on our vehicles. Life Skills' focus is health and wellbeing when we ask 'What helps us to stay healthy?' In computing, we will be learning more about e-safety and creating media. PE will cover ball skills and gymnastics.
In RE, we focus on Christianity and ask 'Why was Jesus welcomed like a king or celebrity by the crowds on Palm Sunday?' Music lessons will focus on learning to listen, and we think about the question; 'How does music help us to understand our neighbours?' We will be using glockenspiels to practice the notes F, G and A.