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Welcome to the Finches’ page for Spring Two

Welcome to Spring two term in Finches class.  We are now halfway through our learning journey in Year 5 at Glade Academy.

We are excited to share with you what we will be learning this half term; it’s going to be busy but lots of fun!


In English we are using the book The Sleeper and the Spindle for the basis of our writing.   Our main piece of writing will be centred on writing a Fairytale prequel, which links to our module of writing last half term when we learnt to write a  sequel and an epilogue.


In Maths we will be learning about decimals, percentages, area, perimeter and statistics.


In Science we will be learning and discovering about Forces and the different types.


In Geography, we will be remaining in Oceania as we learn all about New Zealand.


History will be all about us learning about the Transatlantic Slave Trade which links to the little bit that we have currently learnt about last term in our biography writing of the Abolitionist of slavery, Ignatius Sanch, who himself was born on a slave ship heading for Jamaica.


We will continue with our programming skills in Computing and further develop what we learnt last half term.


In RE, with the lead up to Easter, we will be investigating the question:  Did God intend for Jesus to be crucified? 

Life Skills

In Life Skills we will be focussing on Healthy Lifestyles and what these look like.

SEAL/Behaviours 4 Learning

The focus this half term is aiming and reaching for our goals and we will be looking more deeply into what makes us effective learners and what we need to do in order to reach the goals that we set ourselves.


In PE we will be focussing in on Swimming and Tag Rugby.


In French we will be discovering the many French-speaking countries, giving and following directions in French and discussing climate using comparative language.

Design and Technology

In DT we will be designing and making our own bags, ending up with making our own embellishments to decorate it.